Originally Posted by Ustwo
In Texas Bush and the Dems there had a good working relationship...WHAT could the man have done?
I really don't think that Texas, of all places, can be considered a utopia of sanity and goodwill in the political world:
But to the point, I realize that every election divides people, how can one not? In my opinion, however, this election is very different from any other, certainly in recent memory, and maybe ever. The level of mistrust and hatred (which I'll admit is a subjective measure) is astronomical. Recall last election, people would say "Gore is too wooden, I don't like him" or "Bush is too conservative, I don't like him." Now flash forward and note that people are saying "Kerry is my only option, Bush may distroy the country" or "Bush is fantastic, he is saving the country." Now I think the difference in the strength of emotion and urgency of action of that rhetoric is readily aparent. We are divided, and more so than we have been since, maybe, desegrigation. And in my opinion, for the well being and yes, safety of our country, the next president needs to worry less about those "non-patriots" who oppose his various policies and more about doing what it takes to bring people together. As much as one may hate the right or the left, we are all from the United States and have to work together.