1) My father played there in the early 50's.
2) My ex-brother-in-law played there in the early 70's.
3) I grew up in Auburn, and spent every Fall home game Saturday in the stadium.
4) My parents, sisters, brother, and myself all attended Auburn. My mother is the only one who is not a college graduate. Also, my wife's parents and brothers are all Auburn graduates (like herself).
5) I worked for the Auburn Athletic Department in the 80's (Bo Jackson era).
6) My wife's grandfather was on the Board of Trustees in the 50's.
7) The sight of those blue jerseys taking the field still makes tears come to my eyes every damn Saturday.
8) I hate Alabama.
I guess any one of those reasons would be enough, but they're all in the mix somewhere.
Living is easy with eyes closed.
Last edited by warrrreagl; 09-07-2004 at 04:52 AM..