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Old 09-05-2004, 09:13 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Location: Colorado
Originally Posted by Church
Suddently, a Japanese soldier charges at you and repeatedly stabs you with a bayonette. You call for a medic, he clears the surroundings, and bandages you up.
This was one of my biggest issues with the demo. When you get repeatedly stabbed with a bayonet, you aren't going anywhere. Most likely you are dead. I've never liked this about games that claim to be realistic. It's why I prefer to play CoD single player on hard mode. No health packs, and a bullet in the right place and it's lights out. The whole idea of a medic patching you up and suddenly you can fight at 100% efficency in a realistic game is silly. Medics are there to keep a wounded soldier alive long enough to get real medical help.

The demo itself was a let down to me. Certainly it had it's strong points, but they were counter acted by low points. The controls were clunky, aiming wasn't a smooth affair. Also, the enemies seemed to be able to take a lot of punishment before they'd go down. There wasn't a good visual representation to tell if you'd hit them from farther than point blank range. Perhaps the iron sights weren't sighted in, which would explain why I could shoot someone in the head three times before they died. The level was very claustraphobic, which wouldn't have been so bad if the loading time wasn't massive. The graphics were subpar to CoD, mainly because I had to run the game on lower settings than normal. Hell, my rig can run Doom 3 on 1024x768 with high detail, and there's nary a hiccup, yet with this game, I was watching a damn slideshow. I hope they clean the game up a good bit before release, that's all I'm saying.

One last thing though, I did like the sound design. It was pretty cool hearing the Japanese shouting in the distance, and the gunfire was pretty audially satisfying.
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