A good conscience does not come automatically, it is developed by the interaction of society and intelligence and communication. If you take the natural science belief that life wants to keep existing, and if you accept the idea that man is a social animal, then it follows that man at some point has to create rules to keep order in society to benefit the greater good.
Most groups have done this by creating an "all-father" or god, who will lay punishment down on you for transgressions. Others have evolved beyond that point and look at life as we fit into the evolution of life.
My belief is that we are all here once, and that the only form of immortality we have is through our children. In order to allow our children to succeed, we must make a society in which they can safely grow up in. I also feel that my belief is stronger than a religious person's belief because mine does not come from blind faith in a unknowable god, but from morals that I had to learn and develop through my own experiences.
Last edited by pocon1; 09-05-2004 at 05:06 PM..