my roomates in colege and i led active sex lives... we were always putting on a good show for the "sleeping"roomate... one nite it would be me sleeping the next it would be him... another fun time was at my first apartment.... i never saw anything but boy did i get an ear full... i came home walked up the stairs and heard something interesting.. i thought i dont remeber leaving a porno on... hmmmm... i get tcloser to the door and realize its not coming from my door its coming from across the hall... i go inside my apt and have a listen... they lasted over anhour and half... and damn he must have been a stud cuz she was very very vocal... they finallly stopped... no more than 30 min later i hear it again... this time its coming from downstairs... it was like a contest... who can bring home the loudest girl... it was awesome... after that nite i never heard any of them again... after that whenever i had a girl over i knew that i had an audience... almost felt guilty when i was getting it and they werent