Originally Posted by powerclown
The study of human behavior, in all its myriad forms of illogic, cannot reliably be labelled a science. Closer to an art, ie., open to interpretation.
For every effect, there is a cause. It's a basic principle of the universe. The point I made is that we discuss the issue of terrorism as if it had no cause but only poor excuses.
If you believe that people should be responsible for themselves and the type of energy they project into the world, you gave an answer (out of many possible) to your own question: because they are mad, and I would agree with you.
Their insanity is the excuse we provide instead of addressing the cause of their insanity. The answer is not "they are mad". That only leads to the question - why are they mad?
You portray it as if the issues are secret taboos that are never brought up. The issues are well known to everyone and are being discussed at every level possible, from this board to the highest levels of government worldwide. Putin's response today would be one example of a high-level stance on the problem.
Indeed these secret taboos are almost never brought up. The frame of discussion surrounding terrorism is NEVER one of Why - it is almost exclusively one of How Do We Defeat the Pneumonia. Often to the degree that when someone attempts to address the Why, they are accused of defending terrorism.
Wahhabism is a sell-out to its own people. It marks black the majority, average, moderate, everyday, hard-working, child-raising, decent, peaceful, and productive adherents of the muslim faith. For this reason, like all radical philosophies, it will prove popular to an unruly minority and be the cause of much suffering in the future.
That is a perfect example of what I am speaking of. What Wahhabism is or is not is irrelevant to the question of why it is able to grow. If you are right, that Wahhabism is the essential Evil, that does nothing to explain why someone who is not Wahhabist makes a concious decision to become Wahhabist and why some of those Wahhabists make a concious decision to become terrorists. Wahhabism exists because it is a tool. It only takes on disgruntled person to speak to people and point out how they are suffering under the dictatorships of their current leaders and if they choose to follow this one person, he will help them defeat their dictators and they will no longer suffer. As long as we encourage the environment of innocent people suffering for our gain (the oil trade), more and more of those suffering will give up all hope and resort to insane tactics. Focusing all your energy on retaliation for those insane tactics is an utterly useless cause - like focusing all your energy on defeating pneumonia while ignoring the real issue the AIDS infection.