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Old 09-05-2004, 03:41 PM   #6 (permalink)
I run it at 1024*768*32 at 85 HZ. Shaders at 2.0, Decals and Post Processing Effects with no slow down or lag. I have a P4 2.8 ghz / 9800 XT 256 / 1 gig ram / Sound Blast Live and XP SP2. I use the latest Catalyst driver.

I have to say I find this game fairly fun, probably the funnest part of the demo is shooting down Jap planes with the 50 cal, even though it is extremely infuriating. It took me some 10 trys before I finally beat it.

Graphics are on par with CoD, and the gun models are nice. I also like the MG firing in this game compared to CoD. In CoD you had the big blinding muzzle flash, in PA the screen blurs, which sounds kinda weak but is really cool when experienced in game. The Ai, both enemy and ally, in PA is decent.

Probably my biggest gripe is how enemy's hide. And that you can't seem to hit them, even if they're showing body parts. Like during the airfield shoot out, the enemy ducks behind crates, and even though I can see their heads I can't shoot their heads. I've even tried lying down and shooting with Iron sights to no avail. But that might only be a demo issue. (Hopefully).

Also, for this demo to work seems to be a preatty hit or miss deal. People with computers much better than mine have had troubles getting this game to run smooth. People with worse computers can also get it to run smooth. I'm hoping that it is some hardware conflict that will be resolved before the final version.
Kodega is offline  

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