Originally Posted by ARTelevision
It's a chilling event. His response is on the mark. Folks will be reminding us, I'm sure, of Russia's brutal treatment of the Chechen Resistance. Duly noted in advance.
Radical Muslim fundamentalism strikes again. Putin is our ally against it. He always was. It's just a bit more clear now why that is the case.
I hate to say it, but you are correct.
Radical Muslims will never change. They are born and bread now to hate anything western, to destroy freedom, and to kill all infidels (us). There is no way to convince them otherwise.
I am a very live and let live individual. If you don't hurt anyone, I don't care what you believe, or how you want to live your life.
But when you start flying planes into buildings, or blowing up subways, or apartment buildings, or theatres, and now, killing hundreds of 5 and 6 year olds in the name of your fucked up religion of hatred, you have crossed the line.
If Mr. radical Ismalist want to get tough - then get tough with the US military, or the Russian Military. Never mind a bunch of 5 year old kids on the first day of school. Get tough with the Bear or Uncle Sam, but they won't because they are the worst form of cowards this planet has ever seen.
Putin will respond to this in a big way. Russia is demanding it, the world will turn the other way. And I will not blame him for what he does because the radicals have forced his hand.
I hate to say it, but this is starting to look more and more like a religous war. It's heating up, not cooling down. You have the US, Britain, and Russia being attacked by radicals from outside. Guess they didn't watch those films in history class what happened the last time the US, Britain, and Russia teamed up.