Originally Posted by lemans
I actually think currency trading is complex. Stocks are much easier.
Depends on how you look at the subject.
There are currently roughly 60,000 companies being publicly traded.
Narrow it down to a specific field - and then furthermore narrow it down into the market leaders - or the undervalued stock prices. Even if you managed to get it down to 10 or 20, there is still the fact that you'd have to research each of these companies to get a decent feel as to what was going on within them. It's a lot of research - and without decent sources of information, a daunting task. Furthermore - you require a lot of capital to even put a dent into the stock markets.
Foreign Exchange on the other hand - just learn how to efficiently trade 2-3 currency pairs. There are only two directions. Up and Down. Using Technical Analysis paired up with Fundamental Analysis - it's not too hard to see the clear trends and hop along for the ride. Mind you - you won't be making the killing that the banks do, but I mean - $100-$300 USD extra a day for 1-2 hours of "work" makes a difference in my life. To boot, you can start for as little as $300 USD Capital. (you won't be making 100/day on that unless you're a genius, but with time your capital will rise to an amount where it becomes a possibility)