Asian Magazine
Hey guys. I've been looking for an Asian nudie magazine. I'd like to know some names, so I can look online, compare and go to a store and buy one. I can't have them mailed here unless they're completely covered up. The people in this house would probably have a shit fit, and besides I only need one.
I'd like to find one that is uncensored and not really American made... they tend to be too um... artificial. I REALLY like Koreans, but to be honest… I like all Asians.
So if you live in the East Bay Area, and know of a good store I can go to (prefer adult-oriented, so I won't be the only "perv" in there), please let me know. I went to a Tower Records store in Emeryville and they had an Asian mag, but I was too embarrassed to buy it.
Anyway, let me know if you know of some mags or a store with those mags. Thanks for your time and have a good 'un!