Originally Posted by OpieCunningham
I wouldn't call that backhanded support - I would call it very strong support.
I hear it repeated often that FoxNews presents a side that was not heard before and therefore FoxNews is good for general political discourse. Assuredly FoxNews presents a side that was not heard before - but if there was a TV station which presented the almost exclusive view of Nazism or Wahhabism, the same could be said.
That FoxNews has a specific viewpoint does not make that viewpoint valuable, nor does it make that viewpoint the necessary obverse of most other media.
Don't make us invoke Goodwins law
While I've seen liberals malign fox news since its inception what I've never seen is an outline of how it was biased and or slanted in such a horrible way. Fox has a number of conservative commentators, we all know that, but no more so then CNN has liberal ones. When the gulf war II was going on, turning on CNN or the BBC gave the impression that we were losing, only Fox and Sky News (the Fox of the UK) seemed to be reporting it correctly.
Now I am not a fan of any cable news, and Fox gets REALLY annoying when they just focus on the latest story for hours with no new information, just report after report saying the same damn thing, but I've never caught them in a falsehood, unlike say CNN.