when you add it all up, whatever the truths, untruths or outright lies, it just obviously donīt smell right. for this to have occured in the manner presented to the public is pretty much ludicrous. weīll probably never know what actually went down that day but it just doesnīt add up. it reminds me of some of the evidence and behind the scenes manipulation in the failed iran hostage rescue that Reagan and crew pulled off when ousting Carter. Nah, some stinky shit was pulled off somehow and managed to be completely covered up with an almost textbook manipulation of the media. any honest questioning of the "official" version is antipatriotic. if you dare to disagree with our fearless leaders you are an al qaeda sympathizer or actual terrorist in the wings. absolute unquestioning allegiance is not an american value that i personally find to be an admirable quality.
George Bush without his war on terror is a dumb guy with a rich dad who has failed miserably in every thing heīs touched. with his resume he probably couldnīt swing a job flipping burgers at mickey dīs.