Originally Posted by MindRSDO
As far as the caffeine goes, there has been a study that it actually lowers heart disease. It was with coffee and good sized amounts...im not sure but i think 3 cups per day or more. Why? I dont know, weight loss/something in coffee/or caffeine itself.
My doctor, who I admit on some days is a complete buffoon, has banned caffeine from my life, temporarily I hope, because of my blood pressure. I'd love to see the study that caffeine lowers heart disease. (I was up to about 5 -8 or more cups a day.)
Caffeine is in a lot of weight loss supplements, I'm not sure if aid is the right word, but it aids in weight loss because it's a stimulant. Too much caffeine in a person causes jitters, sleeplessness, headaches from withdrawl and a mess of other things... Caffeine is my drug of choice however, I have a hard time believing that it's got health benefits, though I'd love for that to be true.