No, I don't think Fox is fair or balanced. However, I for one am glad Fox news is there, because it helps me to learn the news.
Anytime there is a major story breaking, I watch CNN or MSNBC, and then FoX news, and then switch back and forth. I' even used to check out the al-jazeera website during the war too, just for kicks. (Don't tell anyone) They all put their spin on it, and we all know it, or at least should. I think you need to see both sides in order to really become well informed. Those that just get their information from fox, or just get their information from the other news stations will have a markedly different view of the politics affecting global events than those that just get their information from the other side. Before FoxNews, there was no one reporting the news with a conservative spin on things to counterbalance the other major news networks' severe liberal spin, other than AM talk radio.
Maybe this is sort of a backhanded support of Fox, but like I said, everyone needs to hear both sides, and before Foxnews, many Americans were not.