Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
don't not vote. Look into a third party whose ideology you can generally agree with and help boost them to give them a better chance at hearing their message heard in the future.
I followed your link to another link
and was very impressed with him. I agree with the philosophy fully. This however was the first time I actually listened to what he had to say; even though Im fairly versed within that mindset. I suppose Im one of those conspiracy theorists that burnt out trying to understand how so many millions of people view what they percieve as theories in the first place. While there is part of me that sees this as a situation that one must never lose sight that its worth the fight; that whatever source continues to keep the shroud over the financial bondage; hence slavery- is so entrenched into the American life that the main body debates and votes over which side will fuck them in their own unique way. Then for some to only be happy that the side they voted for won and will fuck them at an acceptable level.
One way of seeing it is; We have an acceptable level of free enterprise choices and options; as well as freedoms to live what is generally seen as rights to live a "happy" life; and for that we should be thankful. Having been all over the world and having the opportunity to engage in many cultures there may be an element of truth to that. But that doesnt give what I have label the "parasitic society" the right to enact the power the fuels they're obvios belief that everyone else is below them. That is BULLSHIT.
Neither one of the main 2 candidates is going to dismantle the IRS and federal reserve. THe counterbalances between the DEMS and REPS- morals/taxes vice versa make no sence until its understood that someone is winning reguardless which side wins.
I cant see how that entity would or will ever let that power fall to where is ws designed to.