Originally Posted by gonadman
Some of the spam I receive has ridiculous senseless titles that do not mean anything. Furthermore, after the sales pitch, sometimes there is a paragraph at the bottom of the email consisting of what seems like random words without any coherence whatsoever. Why do they do this?
I can understand paragraphs of random words on a website to generate hits on a search engine, and I can even understand a nonsense email title to generate curiosity so the email is read before deletion. But why the nonsense paragraph in the body of the email?
A lot of spam filters look at the text for "valid" words. These words usually don't include viagra, nasty twins, unsecured mastercard, etc. But if spammers include enough "good" words, they'll slip through. It's kinda the same as when you google something, and one of the results looks like what you want until you click on it. Then you go to a page that has like 200 phrases in one big paragraph. Google's algorithms read this and say "Oh, look how well it matches the search term." There ya go.