Two big blustering winds of truth are the prescription drug entitlement (oddly slated to kick in after Bush is reelected or far from the White House) and that big floaty, wet fart--privatization of Social Security.
In this cesspool of shit flying all over the place, neither candidate is speaking about the crunch of Social Security--and that's scary shit to me. It should be scary shit to 40-50 somethings now, because about 8 years ago it was my problem. Now it's become your problem, too.
Exactly how much would you be able to sock away each year for your own retirement? The vast majority of the workers barely make enough to live on now--how exactly are they going to put something in an account. In case many of you didn't notice, any retirement account you used to have was decimated. Yes, the iron clad safety of the private investment sector!
Oh yes, and another thing, if you didn't just toss out your yearly statement from the Big Gov regarding your piddly savings toward the amount that is supposed to support you for the rest of your life after you retire (because we all know how often those service jobs have retirement bennies, right?), please read the fine print and get back to us in this thread about what you saw after you clean your shorts.
"The theory of a free press is that truth will emerge from free discussion, not that it will be presented perfectly and instantly in any one account." -- Walter Lippmann
"You measure democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists." -- Abbie Hoffman