1. I actually think polls, when administered and analyzed correctly, are quite accurate.
2. I would hope that a sitting president would get a boost from speaking to 'his' nation--a bump doesn't surprise or intimidate me.
3. Public voting patterns don't mean too much. We need to look at the electoral votes.
I suggest people not worry so much about what the public is saying right now. It's pretty volatile and will almost certainly wash around like ocean tide for the next few weeks, at the least, until things start to cool down again (if they actually do) and people get to think about what has been said by the respective candidates.
Oh, and we're a few months away from election and the president just caught up to his opponent. Not a resounding gong of success, in my estimation. For all the people espousing the view that one ought to stand by whoever is elected for the 'sake of the nation'--you might want to consider that nearly half the population isn't supporting the sitting president--the head of our nation. Bush may 'win,' but with only half the population supporting him--he's a sorry ass leader and it shows. At best, his name goes down in the books as a lame president--regardless if he gets to serve another term. How's that for posterity?
"The theory of a free press is that truth will emerge from free discussion, not that it will be presented perfectly and instantly in any one account." -- Walter Lippmann
"You measure democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists." -- Abbie Hoffman