The fifth myth is that the news media in the United States today
have a “left-wing” bias. This is a peculiar myth, of recent vintage in
the United States, and not prevalent in very many other nations. I
deconstruct this myth in chapter 3 and show that the reason for its
prevalence has little to do with the intellectual strength of the arguments
and a great deal to do with the right-wing political muscle
behind them, including conservative power within the mainstream
media. What this myth does, more than anything else, is reinforce
and accentuate the core problems with commercial journalism.
Right-wing media bashing and commercial journalism, rather than
being antagonistic, constitute a marriage made in heaven.
Preface, The Problem of the Media:
http://www.mediareform.net/mediaprob...TM-preface.pdf, pg 3/9
I've read about this in much less intellectual books as well. Basically all you have to do to learn that there is no liberal bias in the media is read a friggin book.