...and you didn't "correct" me, phyzix.
Bush and his administration has been pushing this fear via the media, not the terrorists. It's now 3 years later and the terrorists haven't done shit despire the constant "terrorists will attack soon!" warnings we get each week. It's just there to rile up support for the president to insure his place in the up-coming elections.
If the media was liberal, I'm absolutely sure we'd see more anti-Bush related material. I see things with an open mind.. I'm not liberal, and I'm not conservative. The thing that gets me is when people blindly accuse the media of being liberal. A friend of mine does it and it irritates me because he never has proof to back it up, and when he does, it's always some piddly website or AM radio broadcast... as if THOSE make up our media as a whole.
If you wanna complain about the website, fine, but don't go off on some rant about "liberal media" because it's just not. There's no more easier proof than for me to say "watch tv and open your eyes". I mean, you want me to record a show and post it in this thread and point out each and every spot where I think it's NOT liberal? If you don't have time to find links, surely you wouldn't have time to watch WMVs of news broadcasts.
A few publications are liberal, yes, but compared to everything ELSE which is republican, would you really expect anything different?
There are SIX (was it six? Maybe 7.. i forget) corporations that control ALL of the media you see in this country. If it was liberal, you'd know.
Hm.. examples examples... ah, I have one. Remember the fall of the Saddam statue? CNN and EVERY news broadcast showed it in all its glory and made it look like a HUGE event despire the fact that it took place in a VERY small area with only a handful of people. They twisted the event to make it look like everyone in Baghdad was supporting that event. If the media was liberal and wanted to hurt the Bush administration or make them look stupid, they could've done so by showing the WHOLE area and the fact that no one else was there.
Trust me, it is FAR from liberal.
I love lamp.