Originally Posted by phyzix525
Aside from Fox news and a couple a shows I can not see how you could possibly say the majority of media is not liberal slanted. Tell you what, I don't have much time to look up examples so if you could do it for me, prove to me the media leans to the right. I am open to discussion, I just have never seen it before.
If indeed you have never seen it before....it is unlikely any number of examples will allow you to see it. Convention coverage alone should point out some of it.....but it is not as extreme as some would portray. The simple reality is, with a republican in the white house this is expected and normal. When a democrat was in power the media was far more liberal.
This is just the way it is....and it makes little difference to those of us who actually use multiple sources for information, and decide what is accurate thru deductive reasoning.