Validity of sources - Who do you trust?
Ok peeps. So we've all got our little philosophical soapboxes and they come in many shapes and sizes. So what do you build your soapbox out of?
Do you adapt your beliefs in accordance with a specific religious tome? Are you willing to take philosophy where you find it? Would you find inspiration in fiction? Could the source be modern? Or must it have the weight of tradition?
Specifically, I recently caught a commentary on Babylon 5 where the writer described a group of neopagans adapting a speech from the show into their ritual practices and outlook.
Personally, I'm fine with it. I believe that religious worship is the veneration of the parts of humanity that the local culture assigns worth to. So any work of man which highlights "worthy" aspects of mankind can be incorporated into my outlook.
"Don't take any guff from these swine"