thanks for the articles- I belive in the death penalty, but only when you are certain you have the right guy and not for some of the things they call for it on- that and the fact that the chinese gov. in general scares me, much less their "justice" system. I should also state that I am for the death penalty for a very personal reason, that being that it does stop a murderer from EVER doing it again- my wife's mom was murdered, by a VERY bad person who will with luck be killed by the state of idaho in a few years at the most- my wife will sleep easier just knowing that he will then be forever unable to come and kill her, which he threatened to do numerous times- I respect the rights of those who adhere to christian morals to feel the way they do, but I do not- Revenge is a perfectly great thing to me, and forgiveness is to be given out when I feel it is earned- some people should die, some peoples lives have no value because of the things they have done- they are a waste of time and money, and are consuming resources that others need.........
Thought the harder, Heart the bolder,
Mood the more as our might lessens