Originally Posted by Lebell
TIME Poll: Among likely voters, 52% would vote for President George Bush, while 41% would vote for John Kerry and 3% would vote for Ralph Nader
Methodology: The TIME Poll was conducted August 31 – September 2 by telephone among a random sample of 1,316 adults, including 1,128 reported registered voters and 926 likely voters. The margin of error for registered voters is +/- 3% points, and +/- 4% points for likely voters. Schulman, Ronca, & Bucuvalas (SRBI) Public Affairs conducted the poll, and more complete results are attached.
Okay, 52% to 41% among 926 of 260,000,000 potential voters (.0000035615%). With the margin of error it could be 64% to 37% or 48% to 45%. And we know how woefully wrong presidential polls tend to be, and yet these results are plastered on every news program and paper. I really think the whole "bounce" phenomenon is mostly a media construction, I can't believe that many people are still undecided. It makes for a more dramatic story.
And people make money creating these statistics? I'm in the wrong field.