Originally Posted by Locobot
I don't personally know anyone who watches Fox news for any other reason than to belittle it.
given the size of Fox's audience, perhaps that should tell you something about the circle of people you converse with?
Originally Posted by Locobot
irateplatypus: you misuse the words "mainstream" and "extremist" they aren't necessarily antonyms. Just because something is the most popular doesn't make it THE singular mainstream.
i don't understand the connection between these two sentences. just because one outlet is popular enough to be called "mainstream" doesn't mean that it is the only outlet with that designation. did you think anyone was trying to convince you of that? i can't find where you interpret that from any of the posts in the thread. the debate isn't whether FoxNews is the sole occupant of the mainstream category, it is whether or not it is deserving of that label (and i believe that it is). furthermore, if it is deserving of that label, why do so many posters automatically discount FoxNews as an extreme right news organization when their audience clearly reaches far beyond that demographic?