Originally Posted by irateplatypus
EXACTLY. I think that has a lot of truth to it across the board.
So... If Fox News has the biggest viewing audience, then doesn't that indicate that a large swath of the population agrees with their analysis?
If so, can we please put to rest the notion that FoxNews is an extremist organization and recognize it as a mainstream news outlet?
to watch it doesn't mean to agree with it. for the most part, they are the only "visibly" conservative news out there. the entire fox news channel caters to them. news and commentary that leans more towards nuetral and the left can be seen elsewhere, on many different stations... as i beleive zeld mentioned, if you add up the viewers on both sides, you'd probalby find it 50/50. it's also possible that fox has more viewers because a)the older you are, the more conservative you get and older people (as a generalization) watch tv for things other than just entertainment and b)younger more liberal people don't watch much that involves the news/politics outside of the daily show (as a generaliztion). looking at the demographics of the views could tell us a lot.
i don't know what fox's ratings are like, but lets say they average 25 million viewers a night. that's ~10% of the nations population. it's concievable that 95% of the people watching are older conservatives watching it to back up their beliefs and keep up with the evolving dogma of the right, while the other 5% watch it to ridicule it.