Historically, absolutely. Its simply a matter of interpritation. Which religion is closest to the way that YOU understand the bible? For me it's between Catholocism, Lutheranism, and Methodism. I also practice a pacifist Buddhish lifestyle. I do not, however, practice spelling. Anyway, I have read the whole bible through and through many times. I have also read books written about religion and books relating to the life of Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Laotse (of Taoism), Baha'i, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Shinto, Duuidism, Wicca, Gypsy studies, Native American, Scientology, Unitarianism, prophets, and translations. I've even looked into athiesm. There is a lot of info out there. I decided to base my religious beliefs, mainly, on the bible. I found after reading it, I had a better understanding of a great deal of things, philosophical, physical, psychological, and logical. I see a lot of the religious scriptures as being guide books on how to live a good life. The bible spoke to me more than any of the other books. I enjoyed a lot of the other books, espically the eastern ones (buddhism, taoism), but the system of logic wasn't as important to me as the morals and gospel in the bible. Oops. Went off on a bit of a tengent there.
Anyway, "the Passion of the Christ" was based mainly on Christian beliefs, centering on the bible's retelling of the events surrounding Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I based all of my asnwers in turn from Catholisism, Lutheranism, Baptism, Methodism, Eastern Orthodox, and Presbyterianism. Mostly, I based it on the writings of Martin Luther, the father (so to speak) of modern protestantism.