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Old 09-03-2004, 12:52 PM   #38 (permalink)
Lennonite Priest
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Location: Mansfield, Ohio USA
Originally Posted by Bill O'Rights
Oddly enough...I would agree with you for once, Art. Although, to some extent, that which you've described has been a thorn in the system for longer than you or I have been alive, I beleive that Rush Limbaugh honed it to a razor sharp edge in the 90's, under the Clinton administration. Nothing that Bill could do was right, and every evil under the sun could be directly attributed to him. For good or for bad, Limbaugh is a very effective orator. He swayed the public into beleiving that his rhetoric was gospel...a modern day Pied Piper. Millions marched to the tune that he sang. To be branded a liberal, even the very suggestion of it, was akin to a Scarlet Letter. Some perverse form of McCartyism. "Are you now, or have you ever been a (gasp) Liberal? Burn Witch!" Now, after eight years of "Clinton bashing", the Liberals are, in turn, using the same arows that were flung at them, and hurling them toward the Bush administration. Turn about is fair play? Maybe. But, in all honesty, enough is enough. Somewhere out there is the ideal man for the position of President of the United States. A true leader. A statesman...not a politician. I don't beleive that we'll ever see him though. Were I he...I wouldn't raise my head above the trenches. To much mud flying. Who wants to be subjected to that scrutiny. And besides, who doesn't have a skeleton, or two, in their closet?

Personally, if someone came out and didn't have all that much mud and was very statesmanly, I would be more than a little scared. It would be as if the man were programmed to be President, or had such good representation to cover his past, that something would be wrong. As you stated we all have some skeletons and to go further no matter who we are we all have biases and prejudices, it's man's nature to have those. A presidential candidate that doesn't ...... is hiding far too much for the office.

Kinda like Bush, no matter what is thrown at him it won't stick. The GOP want to portray him as something truly great and whenit comes down to facts, what he is doing and the laws he backs ARE NOT in anyway true conservative values (less government interference, more level playing field, basically a "Laisez Faire (hands off)" theory). They (the Patriot Act, the Marriage amendment, etc) are in every way possible government dictating more laws and rules in a person's daily life (discreetly and openly), while blanketed in the form and guise of patriotism. Also, Bush talks a good game but when it comes down to it, he truly favors the rich and elite classes.

What truly scares me the most is IF Kerry is a "Liberal" then our nation's pendulum has truly swung as far right as it ever has and farther.The scariest aspect of that is the kids I see now, a vast majority have no idea what true freedom and equality and being one's self is about. Today's kids are being raised not to question, not to think for themself and worst of all not to go against what government/religion (and yes with Bush and the right they go hand in hand) dictates is right and they show no caring about anything that may have a "liberal" label. Perhaps the kids in the 80's were the last to truly experience these positives. For we did question, we did believe in individuality and we did fight for the environment and we tried to carry the torch of our parents, who in the 60's set forth great debates and wanted change and equality. The biggest problem was Reagan had started a great abyss in education and the lawsuits that took away from individuals and made us a sterile society that promoted PCism (ALL OCCURRED UNDER THAT GREAT LEADER REAGAN and continues due to: corporations merging (or just destroying the backbone of our economy Mom and Pop shops), deregulations of the finance industries, mass media brainwashing and acceptance).

Somewhere along the line in the 80's, 90's and present we sold our souls and our nation for greed and the bottom line. No one seems to care that THOUSANDS of jobs are lost gone overseas never to come back. And the best anyone can do is offer excuses and say, "you lost your job? tough titties go find a new one."

We need to keep industry here and IF we are going to let it go (economic suicide and defensively suicidal as a nation) then we need to train our workers and children the new industries NOW and not just let people lose jobs and communities go bankrupt.

What happened to neighbors helping each other out, and businesses with community ties maintaining good community relations? THOSE ARE THE CORE VALUES OF OUR NATION'S FOUNDING. Now everyone is too scared of someone taking their stuff, so can't trust the neighbors, and businesses are too worried about bottom lines and how much the CEO and his gang can make on his next bonus check.

Plus, with Ritilin and other meds and nationalizing education and what can or cannot be taught...... it does lead to mind control and the inability to question or even think for one's self.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"

Last edited by pan6467; 09-03-2004 at 01:03 PM..
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