Don't think this is a duplicate thread, but couldn't find anything on SETI except for the sticky in Computers, and didn't think it would get much notice there.
Science - Reuters
Could Space Signal Be Alien Contact?
Thu Sep 2, 8:32 AM ET Add Science - Reuters to My Yahoo!
LONDON (Reuters) - An unexplained radio signal from deep space could -- just might be -- contact from an alien civilization, New Scientist magazine reported on Thursday.
The signal, coming from a point between the Pisces and Aries constellations, has been picked up three times by a telescope in Puerto Rico.
New Scientist said the signal could be generated by a previously unknown astronomical phenomenon or even be a by-product from the telescope itself.
But the mystery beam has excited astronomers across the world.
"If they can see it four, five or six times it really begins to get exciting," Jocelyn Bell Burnell of the University of Bath in western England told the magazine.
It was broadcast on the main frequency at which the universe's most common element, hydrogen, absorbs and emits energy, and which astronomers say is the most likely means by which aliens would advertise their presence.
The potentially extraterrestrial signals were picked up through the SETI@home project, which uses programs running as screensavers on millions of personal computers worldwide to sift through the huge amount of data picked up by the telescope.
Hey, maybe it was SecretMethod70's urging lots of TFPers to help that did it.
What do y'all think? legit or just a computer glitch?
personally, I wonder if another race of aliens would think to advertise itself like this. I remember the coolest part of the movie "Contact" was when they got a signal from the aliens and it was a nazi swastika, only to realize that it was one of earth's first signals into outer space- the television broadcast of the 1938 Olympics in Munich. (the Olympics where Jesse Owens pissed off the Nazis) I know that's fanciful, just makes good stories, but what do some of y'all that know alot more about this than I do think?