latham will ruin the country, look at sydney, and you'll get the result of 4 years of country wide labour, he can sign a giant cheque on interest rates, whoopi, they will still got waay up, plus just think how much GST would rise with country wide labour, every labour state govt voted to raise the gst when the state govt heads met, the campaign will not be won on if the govt will say sorry to the aborginies (i dont say sorry, i didnt do it, i wasnt born, i had nothing to do with, i will not apologise to people for something i didnt do, i will sympathise with them, but not say sorry) or if some kids got chucked over board by some illegal immigrants (send them back straight away). The only thing keeping australia safe and prosperous is the federal govt. I havent seen one labour policy yet, just personal attacks on howard and asking if he is going to keep the job after the election.