Originally Posted by Craven Morehead
What can the common man do to bring an end to terrorism? Terrorism for the most part is not a state supported activity, but one of indviduals working in concert against a civilized society. In traditonal wars, its country against country. In the war on terrorism, its no longer the traditional battle front, its on an individal basis. So, since its at our level, what can we do to prevent terrorism? In its most basic form its man against man. Surely there is something we can do.
Well people change their minds about terrorists all the time.
20-30 years ago the international community saw the ANC as a terrorist organization in South Africa, Margareth Thatcher even speached about it. Now they are seen as the holy freedom fighters. Their past sins are now justified all of the sudden.
Not too long ago the Taliban was seen as a brave lot of Freedom Fighters fighting against Russia for their freedom. Today the very same group is seen as a bunch of terrorists.
The difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter is merely on which side you're on. If they are against you, Al Qaeda is terrorists. However for many in the Muslim world they are freedom fighters fighting against the moral corruption of the west.