After the Election
Baring some very odd occurrence, GWB will be reelected come this November. I think even the most shrill anarchist reading this knows in their heart of heart this is true. This is not what I wish to talk about.
What I wish to talk about is the aftermath. How will this be explained by a left leaning press and stunned democrat supporters? They will first blame Kerry and his campaign, they will blame Kerry’s utter lack of personality, his constant and pathetic ‘athletic’ photo ops, his awkward smile, and his lack of spelling out the democrat vision. They will also blame the ‘big’ money, the swift boat vets, the Fox News Channel, and just how stupid people are.
What they won’t look at is why they ended up with Kerry as their torch bearer. As pathetic of a ticket Kerry-Edwards really is, after all a gigolo and a shyster will not inspire many people, its not their fault that they are pathetic. They are the only kind of democrat that can win a nomination now. The democratic party is no longer a party of principle but an amalgamation of left wing interest groups, trial lawyers, and union money. You can’t have a strong opinion on anything without offending and alienating one of the multitude of groups.
The fringe has come to define the party, and its really a shame. I don’t think FDR or JFK would be able to recognize what has become to the democrats. It started with LBJ and continues to this day. It makes our county weaker, not only in the imitate since, but in the long term. We need a rational left to ask when things have gone to far right. To make sure that one philosophy doesn’t dominate, to guard the guards when called for. The intellectual dishonesty, the win at all costs, the party before country the DNC leadership has taken over the last 20 years has all but eliminated the democrats a national political power and has relegated them to nothing but an obstruction to change. It has cost them the house of representatives in 94, the white house in 2000, and the senate in 2002.
I fully admit that I am a right leaning person, I don’t care for religion but I have faith in a system which will keep that from being an issue for me. I vote Republican in most cases but I do fear if this country becomes all right almost as much (almost) as if it became all left.
Unless the democrats stop trying to fool people, scare them, and incite them an all right America is a possibility. They need to learn to present their issues, show why they think their way is better, and to trust the American people to make a rational choice on who’s philosophy is better.
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host
Obama - Know a Man by the friends he keeps.