Originally Posted by OpieCunningham
I guess I do not have as much faith in you in regards to the Internet being the great balance to media conglomerates - or the general populace is just not smart enough (the impact of the Swift Boat Vets vs. the impact of the AWOL charges comes to mind - the former took off due to the media, the latter was primarily disseminated via the Internet).
There will never be an ENG crew following the President around indiscriminantly. Nor should there be. If the President talls an ENG crew to leave while he conducts an interview with NBC, the ENG crew will leave.
I don't think that it's a balance, it's more of a chink in the armor, a hole in the dam. I don't think it will be balanced because if Viacom spent the money to produce the show, then Viacom should have all rights to the show. Unless congress acts and makes it like the Olympics thing (which yes, I understand was violated as stated in the other thread) where all footage of the president is "owned by the people."
I don't think the ENG crew would follow the POTUS indiscriminantly, more like the Official Military Video Pool where there are strict guidelines as to where and when it can shoot video. We already own all his emails and phone converstations, (which getting to access to read those has it's nuances as well.) I don't see it too far a stretch to encompass video.