I think that younger children deserve a little spank on the bum when it's for a good reason. However, my parent hit us for every little thing -a bad grade, picking flowers off plant when we didn't know it was special, eating a waffle on the couch (but not making a mess), running off to pee on a hike- with yardsticks, belts, tree branches. My mother even choked me and kicked me almost to the point of blacking out. This did not help me; it made me resent and fear my parents. Finally, my sister told a social worker (after the social worker had been called into her junior high because another kid saw my mother hitting my sister at the bus stop) thinking everything would be all better, but instead my parents told us we were horrible and that we didn't deserve anything.
My mother recently admitted that she was out of control- she knows it now, and I knew it then. Spanking is something as discipline when a child needs it. When a kid knows their grades are bad and will try harder, or when a kid learns their lesson after being grounded, or when a kid gets the point from grounding that eating on the couch is not acceptable- beating or spanking is never the answer. Always try talking to a child, is what I think would work.