Here's how I understand it.
1) God sent down his only son (who is really God anyway, but don't think about that too long or you'll hurt yourself) not to save us but to better communicate with us. To live with us. This is New Testament God who's all about happiness and knowing your neighbor. So JC comes around and he's all like "hey, let's be nice to each other." Then he was nailed to a chunk of wood. Supposedly he took on all of our sins and all of the sins of our descendants so that we can get back into heaven (Adam and Eve screwed us out of it).
2) Not sure, but probably God meant for JC to live out a whole life with us. Change us into nice, friendly, moral people. Then he died. But since JC is God, he can't die (assuming you believe that God IS. Cannot live or die by our understanding).
3) After JC came back to life, he went around to a few people, then ascended into heaven. According to the Book of Revelation, JC will come back after (I think) 1000 years. Judgment will be passed, Satan will rule earth for 100 years, something something. Disregard all of that. Book of Rev is all code for "JC is gonna come back and smite those Roman bastards. Smite them good. So be a good Christian until then."
Hope this helps.