We are ALL God's 'Son' ( think Sunship ) Remember that Jesus was a Semitic and spoke the Aramaic language. The scrolls that followers of Jesus wrote on were written in the Aramaic language. Later, the scrolls were translated into Greek. The loss of translation began right there. For example, in the original Aramaic Bible, Jesus says on the cross 'Eli, Eli, leman shabakthani ! ( My God, my God, for this I was spared !) Compare this with most English translations (the King James ver) - which defies all logic and reason to arrive at Jesus saying 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me' ? * Come on ! How could God Forget His Son ? Even I am able to remember my own children ! Surely God is big enough to do the same.
The whole problem is three fold:
I.) What Jesus said and was written about came in the Aramaic language. Miss-translations occurred Heavily when the collection of scrolls were gathered up and translated into other languages ( Greek 1st)
II.) The idioms were both misunderstood and therefore mistranslated: Example:
'If your hand offend thee, cut it off." -- means, in Aramaic- 'If you have the habit of stealing, quit it. For it is better to cut out the habit than lose other members of your body.' It is also true that in American English we say 'He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth ( a saying, not a reality !), or 'He received the information right from the horses mouth'. Do horses talk ? No. It is just a saying, exaggerated to make a big point !
III.) When one thinks from the position of Fear, one sees things differently than when one is calm & peaceful and is viewing things from a position of Love. When ones 'rice bowl' or facility for gaining salary to pay for food & shelter is threatened, then one will naturally choose either the thought system based on fear, or will relinquish that, and accept instead the thought system based on Love. Using the thought system based on Love, we can easily remember that the 10 Commandments that Moses wrote down directly from God - contained not even one punishment or negative penalty ! They simply said, 'Love your God and Creator' and 'Love your neighbor'. That's it. Fear based rulers, Rabbis', Priests & Ministers came along and discovered that Fear was an EASY motivated, since it piggybacked on the illusion of fear and motivate many people then and now to attend 'Church' ( which in Aramaic incidentally means - the throw a party ! ) and to make huge 'sacrifices' to 'The Church' - thereby making the economic lives of the Church leaders & 'employee's easy !
Oh I could go on and on. Jesus is my teacher, but He NEVER taught Fear, Punishment and banishment by God. The complete opposite is true. He taught Love, Grace, Forgiveness without retribution or punishment, and He repeatedly preached the constant and continuous presence of God's peace in our lives, if we choose it !
Amen ! Brother & Sister --- Amen !