Originally Posted by Kadath
Starman -- I liked Overdrawn, but the Girl in Gold Boots was not a good subject for the show. It was too boring even for them, just like Hamlet. It's sort of like Manos, when there's a five minute stretch of driving and one of them will say "So...Manos, the Hands of Fate?" It's so ridiculously dull that it gets to be funny, but they never hit that with GiGB or Hamlet. As for OatMB(what a great acronym!), it's sort of painful to Raul Julia in such a terrible movie.
True, I agree to an extent. There have been far more dull movies then those. That they couldn't help. Like the creping terror, I actualy fell asleep watching that one (fact being that it was quite late at night). I belive for this reason, they were so succesful, not eveyone like the same episodes, But all episodes were liked if not loved by someone. People have there own taste, in the movie's mst3k picked. There are movies i enjoy ememsly, that friends of mine dont like as much. Like Pod People, Skydivers, Red Zone Cuba, Wild World of Batwoman, and The begining of the End, just to name a few.
I felt that Girl in Gold Botts need move of the Joel type humor. Then i belive it would have been much more humorous then it was. I still liked it with mike, but Joels humor would have worked better there. But thats a whole other can O' Worms. The "Joel was funnier then Mike, or Mike was funnier then Joel debate".