abs are like any other muscle, you need to give them time to rest. it's an old myth that you should work them everyday. also, you should do them weighted instead of doing 50 of them. if you want to build them up, you need to increase the resistance instead of a high number (that will just increase their vascularity and increase their endurance).
also, you really should switch from doing a "bi and tri" day, chest day, and shoulder/back day to a push/pull day.
when you work your chest and shoulders, you use your tri's for the pushing manuevers. with your back, you end up using your bi's in many of the manuevers. so right now, you're not actually resting them if your doing an arm day and then chest the next.
you should change it up to a push/pull system. one day do pushing exercises (chest, shoudlers, tri's) and the next do pull exercises (back, bi's). some people even break legs down into that system as well, but i've never seen the need for it.
one of the benefits of push/pull is that after doing the larger muscle groups, you've already tired your tri's/bi's and then can really kill them.
shabbat shalom, mother fucker! - the hebrew hammer