for me, spanking was how i knew when i REALLY fucked up. it was how i learned what was right and wrong and the grey area in between. if i did something like tracking mud through the house...i was told to clean it up and if i didnt, i got yelled at. if i took all of my dad's $1000 golf clubs into the back yard and wrapped them around trees and hit rocks with them....i would get a few hard ones accross the backside. so i learned that tracking mud in the house isnt nearly as bad as fucking with my dad's expensive toys. maybe not the best example...but i plan to tan my child's ass when they REALLY fuck up...and i will yell, ground, and use other modes of discipline for the greyer areas of wrong. this of course applies on the other end of the spectrum. praise and gifts for good behavior reinforces what is right and what is better than right.