Originally Posted by Phage
You are trying to be extremely politically correct, but it is unwarranted in this situation. It is clear that there is a deficiency in their culture: "Even when food is available, they frequently starve themselves and their children, Prof. Everett reports."
"They have no written language, and no collective memory going back more than two generations." This combined with their lack of numbering makes it extremely unlikely that they would even be able to use advanced technology, much less make it themselves. It is certainly interesting how their culture developed, and it would be unreasonable to assign "fault" for how they are now, but don't let your efforts to be understanding undermine your own intelligence.
Well, these differences may look like HUGE problems to us, they obviously have different values. If they are happy and proud of their own values, then there is nothing wrong with them. If they can resist change from over 200 years of outside exposure, yet still be able to survive strongly, then who are we to judge the worth of their culture? You can get all Christian Missionary on them and condemn them for not having the same values as us, but that won't get me nodding my head.
Remember, fish don't even have long-term memory, yet they continue to fill the ocean. Just because a certain society does not possess the same traits as ours does not mean anything.
So, let's just read about 'em, learn a little bit about psychology from 'em, and leave 'em the fuck alone.