I was thinking along similar lines for the world's environment... for weather predictions. I figured that measurement of wind, temperature, pressure, and such could be measure everywhere and used to predict the future weather on a global level.
Once one considers this, one must also take into consideration of the sheer amount of information needed to do such a program, weather or future. The amount of computations to do such a task would be nearly infinite if not infinite. While I feel that a reasonable accurate, but not perfect weather program could be made with limited measurements and by simply keeping it to date with other changes, one predicting the future seems totally impossible.
To make such a program, one would have to first design logic to discern individual decisions of man. This process has to be able to be done by a human, however slow it may be, before you can program to do similar. Have you a way of predicting the future of one person, if so... it could be expanded to a worldwide environment with time... but predicting any future is impossible IMO.
If the program was completed and run and correct, then it should be able to predict man's free will and their attempts to change the future too... so no.
The whole concept is interesting, but impossible. There is no way of predicting the future by simple observations and such. Not to any level or detail or to a distant future. Economists may be able to predict the near future of a country as a whole, but distant, precise future... a whole different story.
Sorry if I sounded a bit repetitive, but I wanted to make my statement clear.