I had several "squamous intraepithelial lesions" (that's fancy talk for sections of abnormal and possibly precancerous cells) on my cervix about a year ago.
After 2 abnormal pap smears they did a biopsy (colposcopy), which they do NOT give you anesthesia for. Just Ibuprofen! And they use silver nitrate to cauterize the wound, so you have black clumps coming out of you for several days. Very strange.
Then I had several layers of my cervix frozen off with cryotherapy. Yes, frozen! For this they stick a speculum up your coochie snorcher that has liquid nitrogen running through it and freeze your cervix for ten minutes. Then you get a rest before they do it again for ten minutes. Then, over the next several days, your cervix "sloughs off." All the meanwhile you have to insert a cream into your vagina to promote healing and ward off infection. The cramps are awful, and you can't have sex!!!!
So, my least favorite part about the pap smear? Every last second of it. From the moment you get in the car to go to your doctor's office to the second you leave, I hate it all!