If your just buying the DVDs now, and haven't seen the episodes yet, i suggest: Manos Hands of Fate, has to be the, worst one yet. Red Zone Cuba is pretty bad too. All the ones they realesed on indivusal DVD are all gold to me. I have them all exepct the hell cats, and I accuse my parents. For easy accesibility, i say pick up Manos: Hands of Fate, and Red Zone Cuba. You can't go wrong with the box sets though. Some of the shows on them I havent seen more then twice. But the good ones out weigh the bad. I just belive hobgoblins to be a good episode, as is Devil doll. And i don't really know about the tape swaping/trading thing there is to aquire shows. Has any one acctualy done this? I might make a ratings list of the shows i have, because alot are hit and miss, and i have nothing else better to do. :P...
"If you stay here too long, you'll end up frying your brain. Yes, you will. No, you will...not. Yesno, you will won't." -Guy in Moonside