i imagine the front national will have a field day if these guys are killed. the front national has enlightened politics on matters pertaining to islam that are on par with those of the american neocons. except in france, people who operate from this political position are understood as neofascist, where in the states, they are "conservative."
You know, I honestly agreed with almost that entire statement. It was concise and well backed up... until this part. Can you back this up?
What neofascist laws have conservatives passed that is fascist? The closest one to it is the Homeland Security. I dont personally agree with it but lets face it, everytime the US senses it's truely in danger it
temporarily restricts liberties. If you dont think we're in danger I like to point out that in 9/11 more people died than at the disaster at Pearl. You can argue how long the temorarily might last which would be valid, but even the Dems passed the law because that's what most Americans wanted.
I can think of a few neofascist laws the left wants inacted. Gun control for one, and most of allmore government control over business (one of the big points of fascism). So throwing around these accusations doesnt help out anyone does it?