The first step toward getting good is getting callouses on your fingertips. No matter what the TV commercials say, there is no "fast and easy" way to learn guitar, because those callouses take time. You have to play every day, and your fingertips will HURT LIKE HELL until those callouses get fat. Therefore, before you commit, make sure you're willing to do what it takes for as long as it takes to build up callouses.
If you play every day, I'd guess that your callouses will be in top form (thick) in three weeks.
Next, you have to develop your chord fingering and be able to change chords without slowing or stopping the steady beat. Again, this is something that takes time as your fingers develop their own "memory" as to the fingerings of different chords. As you learn to strum chords and sing along, play as SLOW as you need to in order to change chords without stopping the beat. This is extremely critical and is the ultimate downfall of most beginning guitar players. KEEP THAT STEADY BEAT GOING!
This part probably takes a couple more weeks, too (assuming you play every day).
Living is easy with eyes closed.