"And I believe I've been out of my element so long it feels like home,
I dream at night of being so decadent. In truth, I just don't know."
- Ralph Covert "Out of My Element"
"And I really don't know how it happened so fast, how we all grew so old, how we fell out of touch.
But I still feel cold, cold shivers, 'cuz I wanted it so much."
- Ralph Covert "Cold Shivers"
"If love's not blind then it's probably me."
- Ralph Covert "The Amazing Romero"
"You were so high when I saw you, at first I did not know it was you.
My own brother, just a shadow in Amsterdam."
- Ralph Covert "Shadow in Amsterdam."
Not that I think Covert is the best songwriter in the world or anything....
"You can't shoot a country until it becomes a democracy." - Willravel