Originally Posted by billege
some really good stuff
Well said!
To all the naysayers: All this town was trying to do was bring a little attention to itself (like any other company advertises) so next year maybe some more people will visit and spend their money there helping the local economy. More money in the local economy means more money is the locals pocket. More money in the local's pockets means they're more likely to donate some of that money to charities that feed the homeless/starving children of the world/whathaveyou.
Also, instead of complaining about what this town's fair did or didn't do, why don't you start making phonecalls and set up a "world's record for most homeless fed at one time". Call local groceries, food suppliers, homeless shelters, volunteer groups, Boy Scouts of America, etc. for donations and volunteers. Then (and IMO only then) when some reporter asks you why you did it, you can complain about a giant burrito and what a waste it was and how you found a better way to spend everyone else's money.