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Old 09-01-2004, 09:27 AM   #5 (permalink)
billege's Avatar
Location: Ohio
You have valid points there, I suppose.
It's kind of a shame that all that food was wasted. Thing is though, it's no big deal.
We have the extra food that we can afford to throw 8000lbs of food away. We also grow so much extra grain and corn we feed large areas of the world. Our breadbasket, so to speak, feeds more countries starving mouths than any other. The United States donates more food, money, and aid, than any other country in the world. I couldn't tell you numbers for sure, becuase I'm not looking them up, but I know we give billions of dollars a year in aid. I don't even know how much in privately donated fundage goes out, but you know there are umpteen organizations in the US that soly exist to help somene starving/whatever in some godforsaken country. Much of that goes straight to people that don't like us very much. But, we do it anyway.

Ever see Blackhawk Down? Yes, that was the US stepping into a civl war to try and feed people. Both sides didn't like us too much, but we lost sons anyway.

So, I guess you could get up on a soapbox about how a burrito makes the world hate us becuase we wated some food. I suppose....
I'd just ask you to remember that we are far from the only developed country that does this kind of thing. Plenty of people in the rest of the "1st World" do things like this too. Maybe that doesn't make it okay. But, if someone is looking for a reason to hate the US, they'd have to single us out of a crowd of people doing the same thing. If they did that, they either already didn't like us, or are looking for a reason.

Basically, I think a few billion dollars a year in aid, outweighs a burrito. Even if it was a big one.
I can sum up the clash of religion in one sentence:
"My Invisible Friend is better than your Invisible Friend."
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