Well living in Ohio namely Columbus I am surrounded by rowdy obnoxious "we should be undefeated national champs and have a heisman winner every year" Ohio State fans. I have never said the team sucks, but it is the way the fans act that makes me dislike or not follow the team. I could become a Michigan fan like half the population here in Ohio just to piss off and start shit with the OSU fans.
I am a Florida State fan now let me tell you how/why that came about. When I was in high school (Freshman or Sophomore year) my grandparents took a trip to Florida for vacation, and being the naive one that I was and just riding the wave of bandwagoners, I said get me a Miami Hurricane t-shirt or something. Long story short they come home with an FSU jersey and I just started looking them up online and following stats and have liked em ever since.
I know it is cheesy but waaaay better than the reason stated above that most people are Michigan fans around here, and it was ohh soo sweet to win all that money when FSU STOMPED the Bucks in the Sugar bowl a few years back.
Spank you very much