seems dave matthews band's tour bus took a dump on a tour boat in chicago that was going under a bridge in chicago that the bus was on...
Dave Matthews Band Blamed For Human Waste
UPDATE: Dave Matthews Band Offers Up DNA
Aug 24, 2004 6:01 pm US/Central
CHICAGO (CBS 2) Rock star Dave Matthews and his tour bus driver are facing a filthy lawsuit.
The Illinois Attorney General's office says they're responsible for dumping up to 800-gallons of raw human waste from a tour bus onto the Kinzie Street Bridge earlier this month.
The nasty mess rained down on passengers aboard a sightseeing boat two weeks ago.
The lawsuit accuses the band and one of its tour bus drivers, Stefan Wohl, of violating state water pollution and public nuisance laws. It seeks $70,000 in civil penalties.
"Our driver has stated that he was not involved in this incident,'' band spokesman John Vlautin said in a statement. "We reserve judgment on anyone until we have seen the evidence. We have been and will continue to be cooperative in this investigation.''
According to the lawsuit, on Aug. 8 a bus leased by the Dave Matthews Band was driving toward a downtown hotel where band members were staying for a performance in Wisconsin. As the bus crossed the grated Kinzie Street bridge, the driver allegedly emptied the contents of the bus' septic tank into the river below, the lawsuit alleged.
At that moment, more than 100 people on the Chicago's Little Lady architecture tour passed underneath the bridge and were showered with the human waste.
The attorney general's office said no one was seriously injured.
"This incident may be unique, but that does not lessen the environmental or public health risks posed by the release of at least 800 pounds of liquid human waste into a busy waterway and onto a crowded tour boat,'' Attorney General Lisa Madigan said in a statement.
After the incident, the boat's captain turned the vessel around and took passengers back to the dock. Everyone received refunds and the boat has since been cleaned with disinfectant.
Officials with the Chicago Architectural Foundation, which operates the tour boat, have said they received several angry calls from passengers demanding compensation for clothing and personal items that got soaked.
video included
gotta love the timing